Training vs. Learning: Understanding the Difference and its Importance in Asset Management

At Asset Wisdom, we believe there is a crucial distinction between training and learning, and recognising this difference is key to achieving organisational success.

Both elements are integral to meeting strategic objectives and fostering a skilled workforce.

What is Learning?

Learning is an individual’s responsibility. It involves a personal commitment to acquire new skills and knowledge independently.

When individuals seek to learn, they demonstrate a proactive attitude and a desire for self-improvement, which marks the beginning of their Learning Journey.

Learning is driven by personal initiative, not organisational mandates, and it reflects a willingness to grow and adapt.

What is Training?

Training, on the other hand, is the organisation’s responsibility. It aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of the workforce to ensure efficient and effective performance of their duties.

Training programs are typically structured to meet specific outcomes and often include mandatory components, such as health and safety training. These programmes are designed to ensure all employees have the necessary competencies to perform their roles.

Are You Part of a Learning Organisation?

In today’s fast-paced environment, it is vital for organisations to evolve into “learning organisations.” These organisations not only provide necessary training but also encourage and support continuous learning and development.

They recognise the value of investing in their staff, which leads to a more motivated, innovative, and skilled workforce. Here’s what characterises a learning organisation:

  • Encourages Innovation: Actively listens to staff ideas to understand their training needs.
  • Inclusivity: Ensures every staff member has a voice, regardless of their rank or role.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Promotes the dissemination of knowledge throughout the organisation.
  • Embraces Change: Supports new learning delivery methods and adapts to changes.
  • Invests in Development: Commits resources to staff development.
  • Strategic Training: Develops a robust workforce training strategy.

The Shift to Online Learning

With more employees working remotely, the need for online learning has never been greater. Organisations must embrace distance learning and webinars as the new norm, as traditional classroom methods may never completely return.

Online learning offers numerous benefits, such as:

  • Cost and Time Efficiency: Eliminates travel time and costs.
  • Consistency: Ensures all learners receive the same information.
  • Convenience: Provides easy access to learning materials without the need for physical documents.
  • Progress Tracking: Offers instant, documented evidence of learner progress.

Organisations that fail to invest in new delivery methods risk missing out on the significant advantages of online learning.

Let Asset Wisdom Guide Your Learning Journey

At Asset Wisdom, we are committed to supporting your asset management learning journey. Our CPD-certified courses and innovative learning solutions are designed to help you and your organisation thrive in a dynamic environment.

Embrace the difference between training and learning with Asset Wisdom and unlock the potential of your workforce today.

For more information on how we can assist you, contact us at

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